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How to Start the New School Term with a Bang: 10 Ways to Optimize Your Classroom

6 min read

How to Start the New School Term with a Bang: 10 Ways to Optimize Your Classroom

The playground filling up again with screaming children? Congested streets around the school around 8 a.m.?Groups of youngsters that you see trudging agonizingly slowly to class after the bell rings?

Yes, the new school year has begun! 🎒🎉

Are you also curious about how to transform your classroom into an optimal learning environment where students do spontaneously go to?

These 10 tips will get you started. 🚀  

1. Involve your students: build together

Let your students participate in the classroom design process. What are their needs, preferences or wishes? They often bring firm ideas for different furnishings or color schemes. Involving them in the thought process makes them feel heard. You create a sense of ownership and encourage their sense of responsibility.

2. Comfortable chairs and tables: ergonomics first

Scientific research has shown that uncomfortable seating is detrimental to concentration. So check whether your current chairs and tables still offer the right level of comfort and are ergonomic enough. If you go for new chairs, try out different options during a trial period or in a test session.

3. Organized storage solutions: good order

An organized classroom leads to organized thinking. Provide ample storage space with smart cabinets, shelves and drawers. This keeps books, notebooks and personal items neatly organized and within easy reach. A tidy environment creates calm and promotes concentration.

4. Functional layout: the basis of productivity

A smart or convenient layout improves productivity. Think about the ideal placement of tables and chairs in your classroom. Provide adequate walking space and check that each student has a clear view of the board or screen. A functional layout promotes active engagement and creates a harmonious learning environment.

5. Visual aids: stimulate your students

Make learning more engaging with visual aids. Use bulletin boards, whiteboards or interactive displays to share important information, announcements and teaching materials. They enhance the learning experience and make abstract concepts more accessible. Do keep 20-50% of the walls clear. Otherwise, it becomes a visual overload.

6. Flexible learning zones: everyone is different

We all learn differently and at our own pace. Hence, it is best to create different learning zones adapted to each person's needs. A group work area, individual focus spots, a comfy corner to promote social interaction: by providing options, students choose how they want to learn. The result? More motivated students AND better learning efficiency.

7. Technology integration: enrich the learning experience.

Technology is everywhere these days. So is the classroom. Consider to what extent you can link interactive screens, VR, tablets or laptops to an innovative teaching practice or separate modules. These open the door to interactive and modern learning experiences, and you prepare your students for a future full of AI.

8. Room for movement: wiggle wiggle

Requiring students to sit perpetually still is counterproductive. After all, research shows that our brains also shut down from sitting still too much. And then students seek another outlet. So integrate space and time for movement and physical activities into your classroom. Or consider sitting balls or furniture that encourage movement. Along with movement snacks, these increase concentration and keep your students engaged.

9. Regular maintenance check: keep your classroom in tip-top shape

Schedule regular maintenance checks to ensure the classroom remains in excellent condition.

10. Foster a sense of belonging: grow and share together

Encourage a culture of sharing and learning within your classroom. Create spaces where students can present their work, share their insights and celebrate their successes. This fosters a sense of community and promotes peer-to-peer learning.

Can't see the classroom through all the benches? Want to redesign your classroom but the thought alone makes you completely gaga?

Feel free to contact one of our Vanerum consultants without obligation. They will listen and work with you to create an inspiring learning environment that your students will enjoy learning in. And so will you.